Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Rogue Life: Squad Goals tag along to 2016 ESGS

Hail Rogues!!!

The recently acclaimed 2016 E-Sports and Gaming Summit (ESGS) has just concluded last Oct. 30, Sunday.

Thanks to all attendees of our booth and I know some of you are so lucky to snatch BIG freebies we offered. This 3-day events is massively attended by thousands of gamer across the country and some foreign nationals as this recently concluded ESGS were sponsored by top of the line Sponsors namely: Major Sponsors: PLDT Home Fibr, MSI, SAMSUNG, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Bandai Namco, HyperX, Razer, Garena, CapCom, Predator, Monster, Super Evil Megacorp and yours truly,  OnPlay as one of the exhibitors held in SMX Convention Center, Pasay City.

ctto ESGS (OnPlay as one of the EXHIBITORS)

Hundreds of happenings were witnessed by most. Its not only about PC and console games but all different gaming platforms are included in this event. Here are the highlights of this 3-day event:

Day 1
Garena Battle
PLDT Raffle Draw
MSI Raffle Draw
Garena Battle 2
Interview (Bam Aquino)
UbiSoff Just Dance Showcase

Day 2
Video Talk from PLDT Home Fibr
Garena Battle
Sony Playstation Call of Duty Presentation
Interview with Koji Igarashi
Kjwan Concert
Bandai Namco Tekken 7 PH Finals

Garena Battle
Sony Playstation NBA 2K17 PH Tournament Finals
Cosplay Competition
Super Evil MegaC orp Vainglory Finals

Even Rogue Life: Squad Goals never missed the chance to meet its Rogues in the event. Hundreds of Rogues flock in our booth to grab the freebies and prizes we have including pins, stickers, Lanyards and exclusive Rogue Life T-shirts. Here are some of the winners during our event:

Congratulations Mommy!!!

Girl POWER!!!

Girl Gamer Rock ON!!!
Most of our winners are female. They are really lucky to grab these limited edition T-shirt that we offer only available for FREE during this event. Thank you for keeping our game alive and kicking. Continue playing and spread the NEWS about our game. We hope to see you to our next events so SOON.

Grab the FREEBIES we're offering!!!
Going back in the event, we're so lucky as our booth was placed in the center where most of the Major Sponsors were lined up. Thanks to ESGS' early booking for Exhibitors as we got the perfect spot in the event where more people are coming. We are mobbed by more people as we're just walk away from Playstation and just across to our booth is the Banda Namco Entertainment and in front of us is PLDT Home Fibr and in the back is UbiSoft's JUST DANCE. 

ctto ESGS (Bandai Namco Ent. Booth)
ctto ESGS Bandai Namco's Tekken 7

ctto ESGS got the groove? Ubisoft's JUST DANCE

ctto ESGS Thanks Kjwan

Feel the Drift from Samsung's Drift KING

Looking for OnPlay booth?

Innovative and newest MSI devices

Jaw-dropping booth of Playstation!!!
Tons of amazing things happened from this year's ESGS. We hope to see ALL of you for next year's ESGS Event. #crossfingers We will be preparing more goodies to give to upcoming events. Rest assured that we'll continue to improve the game and make sure you have tons of fun and exciting events to join. We also wish that you will spread the word to other gamer to download our game's Smashy Toys, Fantasy Squad and Rogue Life: Squad Goals and make our community the biggest as ever!
Hopefully to see more of Rogues, Heroes and players in upcoming events that we'll be attending.

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