Monday, November 28, 2016

Rogue Life: Squad Goals' Sweet Escape

Good day fellow #Rogues,

This coming weeks, Rogue Life: Squad Goals is having a 3-week long Community Events themed, Rogue's Sweet Escape. Ye,you heard it right, Sweet Escape. We want our Rogues to loosen up a bit since their has been some ups and down in the game. So to treat them, we want to share our sweet treats that will they get addicted instantly. As of the date, several Rogues are joining now and all are hopeful to be the winner of our events. 

We have something for a sweet tooth like YOU
These are the events that Rogue Life is offering: Duel Challenge, Kingdom of Defense Challenge, Purchasing Reward

Challenge Accepted

Kingdom of Defense and Duel are a DAILY Event. Meaning, we're giving rewards everyday for avid gamer that fulfills the Kingdom of Defense and Duel Events. Expect your reward if you're LUCKY enough every end of the day.

In Duel, once your League Points last TWO DIGITS ends with these: 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 44, 33, 22, 11, win rewards. Simply send the screenshots of your points that matches to our lists. Send your entries until 9PM daily. You can only send 1 entry per account per last TWO DIGITS. No repetition, crystal clear? Thanks. 

Defend it 'til the very end
While in Kingdom of Defense. it goes the same way of how to get the rewards. We know you've been the best defender of your squad. In exchange, we want to give something that you will be awe. You just simply send a screenshot of your Kingdom of Defense Points last TWO DIGITS ends with these: 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 44, 33, 22, 11, win rewards.

I'm filthy rich and I deserve your REWARDS!

Been the great spender in Rogue Life, you'll be rewarded with gems for doing it! Become the Top 1 Spendthrift and take home whopping 300 gems!

Return to the game and be rewarded!

Also, Comeback Event is inviting all former Rogue Life gamer with no login after the event start to join. Get amazing REWARDS sent straight to your mailbox automatically as you rejoin. Check the mailbox each time and avoid “Get All” for you to see if you’ve got the rewards. 

Always tag a friend of yours and share these events to get additional prizes! There are more Community Events coming to your doorstep. Catch those on the following days!

For more Community Events update and details, feel free to visit Rogue Life: Squad Goals Facebook page.

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