Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Leader of Expedition

Have you been wondering who is the man standing outside your #Rogue house? Yes, the guy or somehow a guard standing still, moving a little bit and coughing once in a while? Well, he is the Leader of the Expedition.

A guy or a guard standing-still.
It's a no surprise for me of who is he... he maybe overlooked by most, but it is more likely he's a BIGGER help to get advanced in the game. Why he was wearing a hat and covered his eyes? Oh well... maybe he was a little bit shy. Hahahaha :D :D :D :D

Going back, he is the LEADER OF THE EXPEDITION. He will help you out to do expedition depending on your choice. He will offering 4 regions of which you wish to do expedition,. namely: Desert Legion, Grassland Legion, Glacier Legion or Dark Legion...

Choose your region!
I actually tried all and it depends on you which among are your top picked as priority to finish expedition. It also depends on which hero from you list will you wish to have even higher level since most of the item you can get here as a reward is beneficial to make your chosen hero level-up. For me, if I'll be asking... I usually do Glacier Legion. Why? It's more easier to collect that the others. Also, less character or hero needs it and it is way easier to make them go on higher level. 

Hhmm... which hero should I send?
Here are the items you can get once you're done in expeditions:

 Items that you can acquire from Expedition
 Sun, Wind, Star and Moon Potions
 Head, Body, Trinket, and Pet
 Gold (Amount depending Expedition Level)
 Upgrade Weapon Items (Star depending Expedition Level)
Tip: Use a Meat to lessen the time in Expedition!

Now you can collect all. But also depends on the hero that you have if each expedition needs 3 heroes and there are 4, 12 among your heroes will be send. Oh... by the way you can have all your heroes do expedition, 3 must remain for you to do other activities like Quests, Adventure and PvP battle. 

Enjoy playing Rogue Life: Squad Goals!

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