Thursday, July 14, 2016

Rogue Life invades Hugot Line world

Do you have the best Hugot Lines that you wanted to share?Want to be the King or Queen of Hugot Lines? Well, this is the best place for you to express your deepest and most witty hugot lines you could ever think of.

Rogue Life: Squad Goals is joining to the growing community of Hugot Lines. We called it #HugotRogueLife. Give us the most innovative, witty and sapul sa pusong Hugot Lines you could think by simply incorporating it in an image or picture using Rogue Life. Send to us a screenshot of any images of Rogue Life and add a caption within the image of the best Hugot Lines you can think. It will be nice if its a unique and self created #HugotLines. Here are some #HugotRogueLife entries we collected:

Even kids are so hooked to Rogue Life!
Taking Risk. If you do, you MIGHT get it!
Rainy season is the abusive season for others.

Such a waste. Never ever spoil food.

See those examples. Those are just some of the submitted #HugotRogueLife entries we got from our avid Rogues. Send your best Hugot Lines to us and who knows you might win below prizes from us!

*psst* *free Coupon Code is back* *wink* *more will be coming soon*

Additional Reward:

Like, Share & Comment your 'Squad Name'!

➡50 Likes & Shares > 5 Winners of 10 gems
➡100 Likes & Shares > 10 Winners of 10 Gems
➡200 Likes & Shares > 20 Winners of 10 Gems
➡300 Likes & Shares > 40 Winners of 10 Gems
➡500 Likes & Shares > 50 Winners of 30 Gems
Sharing privacy setting should be set to 'Public'

To join:

➡Use ‪#‎RogueLife‬ Characters / Items / Scenarios or anything related to the game to create the epic "Hugot" Lines!
➡Use the hashtag #HugotRogueLife and post your entry on your Facebook Timeline / Facebook Wall
➡Sharing privacy setting should be set to 'Public'
➡Include your "Squad Name" on your post
➡Entries should be in "Image / Picture" form
➡Hugot Lines on the comment section is not eligible as Entry

Event runs until July 15, 2016

Send us your most witty, innovative and catchy #HugotRogueLife!

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